中国传世经典名剧是由苏舟执导,李琳,宁静,耿乐,王刚,苏瑾,曹曦文,廖学秋,傅浤鸣主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:“有情人终成眷属”,一个“终”字,道尽人世艰辛与庆幸。 自古红颜薄命、才子长情。花前月下,意乱情迷,谁知真长?假长?世事多桀,人情易变,谁知情深?情浅? 本剧取材自历代传世名剧,一一细数人世间
I don't know why people say this is a comedy -- dark comedy also doesn't cut it. This is pretty much a standard crime drama/thriller. Plus, it's the definition of "that escalated quickly!" It's got good bones in the story structure and a grip in suspense: you know they are probably the bad guys, but what will come to them still subvert expectations