色美味辛是由Jeo Baby执导,Nimisha Sajayan,Suraj Venjaramoodu主演的一部剧情片。主要讲述了:After marriage, a woman struggles to be the submissive wife that her husband and his family expect
2-2.5。開場,小Myers帶(代)觀眾偷窺,鬼祟進屋,拿刀,戴面具,殺姐姐,一鏡。結尾,醫生開槍命中,殺不死的boogeyman墜樓後消失,然後一串屋內外空鏡,配濃濁呼吸聲--說明恐懼來自無所不在的窺視,如醫生說:「他凝視著牆,不只看著牆,更看穿牆。」omnipresent,shadow,綠葉反襯。音樂受Suspiria與The Exorcist啟發。Panaglide。道德劇,淫蕩與不負責者死,之於YA片與舞會文化。父親形象問題,女主父親匆匆一瞥(叫她放鑰匙而被盯上),醫生在平行剪接下更像被期待來拯救的代理父親(可是其形象?)。否定whodunit,套路極簡化,"True crass exploitation. I decided to make a film I would love to have seen as a kid, full of cheap tricks like a haunted house at a fair where you walk down the corridor and things jump out at you."