遥远的婚约是由顾晶执导,刘威葳,邵峰,刘欣,赵雅莉,姬晨牧,肖光奕,贾伟,杨娟,董连海,李若嘉主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:1977年,祸国殃民的十年动乱和四人帮被扫荡汰尽。千疮百孔的国度总算焕发了新的生机,好不容易回复的高考为被耽误了学业和人生的青年们指明了新的道路。靠山屯知青刘思杨(邵峰 饰)和乔慧敏(刘威葳 饰)
as a documentary it's just ok. to the posed question of 'what happened' it seems that the director doesn't really have a good answer other than 'a lot happened'. but seeing Simone's Montreux 1976 performance of Stars is so much more powerful than just listening to it. all the suffering and struggle behind that facade - really hits differently