校对女孩河野悦子是由佐藤东弥执导,石原里美,菅田将晖,本田翼,和田正人,江口德子,田口浩正,足立梨花,松川尚瑠辉,长江英和,鹿贺丈史,芳本美代子,青木崇高,岸谷五朗,安藤政信主演的一部日剧。主要讲述了:从小就对时尚极感兴趣的河野悦子(石原里美 饰),一直梦想着能够成为顶尖时尚杂志《Lassy》的编辑。经过屡战屡败的面试后,她终于如愿以偿被《Lassy》所在的出版社景凡社所录取,然而却是被安排到了
a masterpiece. It was hard to watch at the beginning. the nihilism & the total adoption of it by such young ppl, the in-group cruelty & peer pressure. But then the absurdity of it all is very apparent & intentional, making it one of the best screenplay I’ve seen in American cinema. Will definitely rewatch.