上课小动作是由武藤裕治执导,下野纮,花泽香菜,白石稔,佐藤聪美,菊池心主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:坐在班级最后一排的横井(花泽香菜 配音),她的邻座关同学(下野纮 配音)是个怪咖,他总是在上课时开小差——以令人叹为观止的方式玩着各种神乎其技的小游戏,从多诺米骨牌、将棋、围棋到桌上高尔夫,甚至是
挺好玩,反而很喜歡吵架那一段,college kid,Brooke確實像有adhd,Greta:“She wants to be a writer, but I think this is the first time she’s really hurt an adult. That’s such a vivid moment, when you’re around that age and you realize, 'I can hurt people, I’m not a child any longer, my power to injure another exists, and that writing isn’t just a frivolous activity.' ”