霹雳神州是由黄文择执导,黄文择口白主演的一部港台动漫。主要讲述了:魔界传说染神州,玄宗奇者撼尘寰; 轩辕今生求一败,鬼将再造苍生难。 军神会梵天,剑圣会拳皇, 是风云?是荒烟?只闻后世又一章。 东瀛大军动作不断,素还真与莫召奴分工合作,与神鹤佐木联手保卫
"Not even god can change what has happened.The future hasn't happened yet, the past is over, the only time is now and what you do in this moment. And what you gotta do is not make excused for what you've done, but own that it's 100% wrong, and equip yourself with more powerful,more empowering coping skills.So you don't get in this situation again."