电器街的漫画店是由佐藤昌文,安藤贵史,玉田博,松田清,上原秀明,布施康之,吉川浩司执导,逢坂良太,高森奈津美,津田美波,竹达彩奈,相泽舞,佐藤聪美,小林优,富田贵洋,松冈祯丞,川原庆久主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:故事发生在位于日本电器街的一间名为“BOOKS马之骨”的书店里,海雄(逢坂良太 配音)和小日(高森奈津美 配音)是其中的店员,海雄负责为顾客量身挑选适合他们的漫画和游戏,而小日却对这一切知之甚微。
(self-conscious) false dichotomy between culture and nature, evil and purity, modernity and innocence, civilization and idyllic/pastoral "timeless" rural life; the intrusion of technology, junk food, and pop sounds; capitalism is just another form of modern slavery / master narrative etc; time has escaped him; the music is leaving us, close the door!; "untainted"; identity in the humanist and legal sense; the wolf and #allegory#