其实剧情就总体来讲还是蛮俗套的,尤其二人的冲突在我看来更有种,到点上班,该吵一架走走剧情了的感觉,和以往的从相信到误会再到大团圆的友谊模板差不多。 但世界观下,从女骑士到想打破围墙却被害的女王和执念围墙肃清障碍的女反派再到带点邪恶破坏气质的nimona,女性角色的安排让我觉得很满意,所以多加一星
关于梦境、乡愁、死亡和时间,"For man goes to his eternal home, while mourners go about in the street. Before the silver cord is borken, and the golden bowl is crushed. The pitcher by the well is broken, and the wheel at the cistern is crushed. Then the dust will return to the earth as it was. And the spirit will return to God who gave it." / "Don’t ever try to