欢乐颂2是由简川訸 张开宙执导,刘涛 蒋欣 王子文 杨紫 乔欣 王凯 邓伦 杨烁 张陆 吴昊宸 祖峰 陈龙 靳东 张晨光 赵丽娟 王永泉 石云鹏 岳旸 赵千紫 宁文彤 刘敏涛主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:新年已至,欢乐颂22楼每个人的新问题也接踵而来:安迪(刘涛饰)因包奕凡(杨烁饰)迎来情感的新可能,却也面临来自身世及包家内部带来的新困扰;樊胜美(蒋欣饰)尝试起步新生活,却仍难脱离家庭泥淖,对王柏川(
Jim: I agree with you that in love a couple is not ideal. You only have to look around. You wanted to invent something better by rejecting hypocrisy and resignation. You wanted to invent love. But pioneers must be humble and unselfish. We must face the truth. We failed. We made a mess of everything.